Some examples of our treatments.
Please visit the news page for more clinical cases.


Uneven color and crooked smile. Our patient asked us to help improve her smile.

Homebleeching” dental whitening procedure with carbamide peroxide 10%, 3 weeks of treatment 2 hours per day. We digitally designed and chose the shape our our patient’s smile with her help. The project is then placed in the mouth for approval without any preparation of the teeth, doing a mock up, so that the patient can see the product and modify it or not. Veneer restaurations were then performed on the incisors and canines, we also replaced old unsightly crowns. Everything is made of 100% ceramic. The patient now has a smile fits her perfectly well.

Unsightly gum alignment, old composite restorations and tooth cracks have been detected.

Tooth whitening, then veneers. Together with the patient, we chose a bright shade for a 100% natural effect.
What a pleasure to see our patient smiling again.

Young patient, hang up smile, with very significant wear and tear.

After surgery on the gums and bonding of ceramic restorations, a new life opens up to our patient, with a radiant smile, perfectly fitting with her face.

This young patient complained of extreme sensitivity to cold. Her gums were bilaterally retracted by a few mm, showing the root of the tooth.

We decided to go for a gingival graft, using gum from the palate. Here’s the result at 3 months, the gum has returned to its original position, with no visible scars. This young patient feels renewed comfort.

Old infiltrated fillings and old composite restorations, due to their morphology they did not allow a correct occlusion.

We removed old restorations and decided to use composite restorations and partial ceramic inlays and crown, cemented with adhesive techniques. Aesthetics does not mean that front teeth and metals are removed and replaced by biologically “neutral” materials.



Old weak metal restorations and retracted gums.
All the old restorations have been removed, the roots were retreated and our dental technician designed beautiful new crowns allowing for efficient and painless chewing. This process is both natural and functional, and it is a pleasure to see our patient to leave with her own teeth.

Early decay detected during a follow-up visit, causing no pain for the patient, fortunately diagnosed early and treated as conservatively as possible.

We cleaned off decayed placed it with a composite restoration. It was quick and easy.
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